Rabu, 23 April 2014


Globe - One Currency for One Globe
Globe new version please download now, Heatbleed fix and New checkpoints Download now
Please see for QT links: HERE
Globe is :
1.   Inflationary
2.   Constantly Evolving and features added long after launch
4.   Fast Transactions
5.   Designed to grow very fast and have viral effect

More in detail features
 1.   60 second block time (fast but secure)
2.   5 coins  + 4% increase in block size annually -adjusted every day (every 1440 blocks)
3.   20% tax on coins mined (Those transacting Globes or hold them will not be affected)
4.   20% to dev. team for bounties, advertising and future development.
      (See below for more details)
5.   SHA-256 Coin

Start mining now!!

P2P Port = 8684
RPC Port = 8682
If you wish to start your own Globe pool you will need the following fix: https://github.com/ocminer/stratum-mining-globe
Major Contributes, Developers and Employees
Sphere - The big cheese
Bcfanminer - Globe webmaster
Wanna to actively contribute or develop ? see : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=384646.0;all
Some Nodes
Free Scripts

Globe Payment gateways: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=360514.0
Globe scripts to start your own Globe business: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=360381.0

BTC Exchange: https://poloniex.com/
USD,BTC,LTC Exchange : https://c-cex.com
BTC, LTC Exchange : https://usecryptos.com/
Basic Exchange: http://newchg.com
Basic Exchange: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=362297.0
Some useful services
•   Investment Thread (Invest and Get investment for your Globe Business) : HERE
•   List of Services/Goods accepting Globe : HERE
•   Block Explorer : HERE and HERE
Globe Accepted Logo

Funding for dev. team

The 20% tax will be used for a mix of the following.
1.  Bounties to build financial infrastructure such as exchanges, companies, banks, funds etc.
2.  Develop the coin so that there will always be new features. When the last time Bitcoin or any other          
     alt-coin had a major feature update? Never!
3.  Advertising campaigns and Giveaways to increase adoption
4.  Bounties to companies that start accepting Globe
5.  Donating to charities and foundations. 
How Can I help?

If you believe in the Globe philosophy we would love it if you could do one or more of these things. 
•   Buy some Globes
•   Start posting Globe on web forums
•   Mention Globe on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook use #Globe
•   Tell your friends
•   Start a Globe business
•   Start trading Globe
•   Invest your Globes
•   Spend your Globes
•   Offer Globe loans
•   If you own a business start accepting Globe
•   Ask alt-coin services providers and exchanges to accept Globe
If everyone was to do just one of these things Globe could go viral very fast.

Globe Bounty Thread : HERE



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